Giving financially to Edge City Church enables us to reach, serve and disciple a multi-ethnic, multi-generational community who comes to know and love Jesus. Together, we are building and restoring God's Kingdom here in Nassau County and beyond. There are three ways you can contribute tithes and donations to Edge City Church. Please make all checks out to: "Edge City Church."
How to Give
ONLINE: There’s several ways to give your tithes and offerings online.
Zelle: Most banks offer Zelle through their online/internet banking and mobile banking app.
It’s simple, just add Edge City Church as a recipient through an email Giving@EdgeCityChurch.com and start giving.
There are no fees to send money through Zelle-Money moves directly to Edge City Church bank account in minutes. Use your credit card or bank account to set up a one-time or recurring gift online.Tithe.ly: Lastly giving through Tithe.ly is another option. Choose between two campuses to give.
BY MAIL: You can mail checks to the address below. Please do not mail cash.
46-16 Little Neck Pkwy, Little Neck, NY 11362 | ATTN: Edge City Church
IN PERSON: Place checks and cash in the offering bag on Sundays during service. If you are a guest with us, please know that there is no expectation or pressure for you to give.